Friday, July 17, 2009

When It's Time To Let Go.

When is the time to say enough is enough? Many of us hold on to relationships or friendships longer than we should. We keep trying to fix what is wrong or wait hoping things will just get better. We go out of our way to try and heal wounds that the other person may have caused. We find excuses to keep giving them chance after chance.

On the other hand, we may be the one inflicting the wounds causing pain. We may be the ones that play games with people's emotions. We test the other person's intentions. We put them in situations that test their loyalty to us.

In my opinion, there are relationships that need to end for the well being of both parties involved. There is a time to say enough is enough! Why hold each other back from growing? Why inflict pain? There is a time to walk away and there is a time to be walked away from.

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