Monday, July 6, 2009


What is a family? Many people believe you are born into your family. This is a true statement; however, is this the only description of family? Many of us have siblings, aunts, uncles, parents and grandparents. These are family members by default. We are born into this family.

To me, family is those individuals who are there for you. They support you, comfort you, believe in you and love you unconditionally. I find that some of my natural family members do none of these. So are they really family? Yes and no. Yes, my siblings and I have the same parents. No, we do not keep in touch with each other. We don't know what's going on in each others lives. We don't know how each other are doing emotionally, financially and physically. Are we really still family?

The people who I consider my family care about me and I care about them. Other than my children, my family consists of individuals not related by blood. I think it is sad that my siblings and I are not close at all. We really don't care enough about each other to even stay in touch with one another. When our parents home ceased to exist, we stopped being a family. I really don't think we were ever close. We laughed together, we cried together and we tossed around "love you" without really feeling it. It was like we put on a show for our parents. Mom and dad loved us unconditionally and we loved them the same. I know our parents would be very sad to see how we drifted apart.

Family is where the heart is!

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya, Bill! Some friends make better family members and there's nothing wrong with that!
