Monday, July 20, 2009


Today I was sitting outside thinking about the house and neighborhood where I spent most of my youth. I have been thinking about my past for a few weeks now. I believe this is due to my upcoming 30th high school reunion. I have recently reestablished contact with old classmates and some old friends from my childhood neighborhood.

I started feeling homesick today. All this nostalgia has made me realize how I miss home. Home being the house I grew up in. I also realized there is no way to go back and visit. My childhood home and neighborhood have been gone for 33 years. They demolished the area for low income housing. The only remaining item is a tree that used to be outside our kitchen window. There is nothing else on the spot where my home was standing. It is just grass and the tree. All around that spot are townhouses for low income families. It was as if in an instant my childhood memories evaporated when they destroyed the area between 14th and 15th street.

However, I realize home is in my heart. No one can take away the memories I have stored there. The only way those memories will totally be lost is when my heart stops beating. I also feel sorry for today's youth. Many families move many times during their children's youth. We were fortunate to live in the same house until my mid-teens. Our home had history. My parents lived in that house for 30 years. Since leaving home, I have lived in numerous houses and apartments. My children did not grow up in the same house. They were lucky to live in the same town during their youth. So, I do get homesick at times. I know I will never be able to go back to see my childhood haunts.

Home is where the heart is!

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