Thursday, July 16, 2009

Book vs Movie!

My son recently saw the newest Harry Potter movie. He was disappointed the movie was not totally following the book. I find very few movies ever totally follow a book. There may be budget reason or possibly the length the movie would have to be. I think it would be hard to make a movie that lives up to a book.

A book relies on your imagination to bring the story to life. Your imagination is what decides what the characters look like, what the scenery looks like and so on. It would be very difficult for any movie to live up to your imagination. Another reason a movie doesn't live up to a book, the movie never completely shows every little nuance a book describes. Movies sometime take a different approach to an event than the way it was written in the book.

A good example of a movie not living up to the book would be The Shining by Steven King. The movie changed or left out events in the book. If you never read the book and saw the movie, the movie was very good. For those people who did read the book and then saw the movie, it was a disappointment. Steven King did not like the movie version so he produced a mini-series that would totally go by the book. The mini-series was a success for the readers of the book.

During the 70's and most of the 80's, mini-series were common on television. These were movies stretched out over a few nights of viewing. This gave Steven King the opportunity to tell The Shining as written in his book. I miss the mini-series. This was a way to bring books to life without losing the integrity of the book. Many mini-series were very close to the books.

In closing, I would rather read a book before seeing the movie. This allows my imagination to soar.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you completely. Some movies I won't even go see because I have read the book. Marlee and Me is a prime example of this. I am also not going to go see My Sister's Keeper, because I have heard the ending is totally different. :)
