Friday, July 31, 2009


As of today, 25 million people have died of AIDS. Worldwide, 15 million children have been orphaned by AIDS and 33 million people are living with HIV/AIDS. Nearly 7,000 individuals become newly infected each day. These numbers are truly staggering. These statistics are from "The Foundation for AIDS Research."

The above statistics are know cases. There are many cases of AIDS that are not reported or known. Since the entertainment industry is not backing the AIDS effort like it did 10 years ago, the public is returning to dangerous sex practices. There are more and more people practicing unsafe sex. Teenagers are becoming one of the larger groups getting HIV/AIDS in the metropolitan areas. Condoms are not handed out for free as much as they were 10 years ago. Literature is not as available as it was 10 years ago. You don't see commercials encouraging safe sex and the use of condoms like we did 10 years ago. Why?

The entertainment industry seems to pick a cause and go full force with it. In the 80's they battled world hunger. Concerts and videos were dedicated to the effort. In the 90's AIDS awareness was the big cause. Celebrities made commercials explaining abstinence was the best way to prevent getting sexually transmitted diseases. Movies were made concerning AIDS victims. This century, breast cancer and supporting our troops seem to be the big causes. Sure there are some famous individuals still supporting the AIDS effort; however, parents need to talk with their children about safe sex. Friends need to encourage each other to keep themselves protected against sexually transmitted diseases.

In closing, when the entertainment industry moves to a new cause, we need to keep the less advertised causes alive and strong!

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