Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Night Out!

David and I decided to go out to a club last night. We have not been to this club for months. We thought it would be nice to get out of the house and mingle with others. I forgot one of the reasons we stopped going out to the club. There is so much superficiality it's hard to tell who is being sincere and who is just being polite.

We walked into the club and noticed some familiar faces of the staff where not there. There were new faces on the staff. Immediately the club was not as familiar as it used to be. When we went to this club on a more frequent basis, it was like walking into Cheers. Staff members remember our names and some even remembered what we drank. I am not sure if that was a good thing or we just went out too much and drank too much then. With the new staff it seemed like we were in a completely different place. I missed the familiar feeling I used to get walking in to the building.

There were also many new faces among the patrons. There were some faces we recognized and some club friends. These are people we only see while at the club. We got the familiar hellos from them. Some even chatted with us for a few minutes. Since we have not been there in awhile was the reason for the hellos. It became hard to look them in the eye and believe they truly where glad to see us. We would hear, "I have to pee but will be back." They never did come back. I guess the pee didn't go well.

In closing, drinking buddies are what they are. They are really not your good friends. You get the polite hello and small talk and off they go. It is fun to watch the individuals on the make. They cruise an area of the bar and give that ever so knowing smile and nod their head. Then they proceed to follow the person through the bar. I am thankful I have a life partner and I never have to worry about being so lonely I need to go on the make. I was there at one time in my life and I do not miss it. It is a desperate cry for some kind of physical contact. It is a dangerous game to play. It can really destroy your self confidence when you are rejected.

Was a night out worth it? I am not sure it was.

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