Sunday, July 12, 2009

Parents' Love!

As a child, I was taught to respect my elders. I never yelled or used obscenities when speaking with my parents. I never would have ever considered "telling my parents off." There are two reasons for this. One, I have too much respect and love for them to even think of being disrespectful. Second, if I would have been disrespectful, I would have been punished.

As a parent, I am thankful to have two sons that I am proud of. My sons have never yelled at me or used bad language towards me. Both my boys have turned out to be wonderful young men. Sure they have problems they deal with; however, they don't blame others for their problems.

I have witnessed children treating their parents badly to the point of harassment. I have heard the foulest language used against parents. What I don't understand are the parents that just take it in stride. How can they let their children speak to them in such an ugly manner? Has our generation totally lost all morals to the point of our children being abusive to their parents?

My question is at what point does a parent stop loving a child? Or should I ask, at what point do you stop liking your child? I believe parents can love their children and not like them. Sure some will say you love your child but just don't like what they are doing. I think some parents do get to the point of not liking their child. When a child turns into an adult that you would never associate with, do you distance yourself? We need to get back to teaching our children respect.

Any thoughts on this?
Happy parenting!


  1. I would totally agree that children are not taught respect as they once were or as they should be. As for reasons that parents put up with abusive disrespect, I can think of three reasons. First, the parents may be afraid of losing their children in the sense of a lost relationship with them. Then again, what type of relationship do they have anyway? A second reason for parents accepting abuse is fear of their children or retribution for any type of discipline or punishment. The third possible reason is the fact that some parents may be embarrassed by their teenage child's behavior and may simply be biding their time until that child is an "adult". God help us because these young people are to be entrusted with the future of our country!

  2. Totally agree with you comment David.

  3. Another twist on that view is some parents are verbally disrespectful towards their children at home and children learn that it's okay to talk to family in a disrespectful manner. However, those parents may have enough sense not to treat their children badly in public, whereas the children who have learned this direspectful behavior don't censor themselves in public. Hence what you might have witnessed.
