Thursday, September 22, 2011


It amazes me how many people are afraid of change. People my age (50) have seen many changes in our lifetime.

Records --->CD's
TV Consoles --->Flat Screen TV's
Pong --->Wii
Typewriters --->Computers
Adding Machines --->Calculators
3 TV Channels --->100's of Channels
Rotary Dial Phones --->Cell Phones
Books --->Kindle

Change has been apart of the humane race from the beginning! Now, Facebook has changed and everyone is in a panic! Really!

There are so many positives to change! Why are we so afraid of it. I think change scares us because it takes us out of our norm. However, if no changes are made to keep us at our "norm", many conveniences we have come to appreciate would not exist. So, before criticizing change, try it you may like it!

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