Thursday, September 22, 2011


It amazes me how many people are afraid of change. People my age (50) have seen many changes in our lifetime.

Records --->CD's
TV Consoles --->Flat Screen TV's
Pong --->Wii
Typewriters --->Computers
Adding Machines --->Calculators
3 TV Channels --->100's of Channels
Rotary Dial Phones --->Cell Phones
Books --->Kindle

Change has been apart of the humane race from the beginning! Now, Facebook has changed and everyone is in a panic! Really!

There are so many positives to change! Why are we so afraid of it. I think change scares us because it takes us out of our norm. However, if no changes are made to keep us at our "norm", many conveniences we have come to appreciate would not exist. So, before criticizing change, try it you may like it!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

'night, Mother

I have read the play and have seen the movie a few times. Every time I watch this movie, it touches my heart. This movie looks at the emotional and the stressful results of an impending suicide. There are many facets to this story. You listen to the reasoning Sissy Spacek gives for ending her life. You listen and watch Anne Bancroft's response to this revelation. It is a heart wrenching movie to watch. I recommend this movie. I would give it 5 stars!

This movie shows how suicide devastates the people who love you. Watch this movie and let me know your thoughts.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Missing You!

When you don't have the chance to say goodbye to a loved one that has passed, it leaves a void in your heart.

I was adopted when I was about a year old. I met my biological mother when I was 15 years old. I started a relationship with her over the years. I truly loved her and needed her. She was the only person on earth that understood me. I am thankful for this. We did not stay in touch for about a decade. I reminded her of a bad time in her life when she lost me. She had trouble dealing with those emotions.

My biological mother passed away a couple of years ago. I didn't know she was sick and was in a nursing home. If I would have known, I would have made contact with her! Diabetes was the culprit taking her life. I also have diabetes and I have many of the symptoms she had in her later years. I wish I could have spoken with her during her last days. I would have told her I missed her and loved her. I feel guilty for not staying in touch. It was just so hard to call and hear her tone of voice. It made me feel unwanted! I know she loved me and missed me; however, she could not handle the past. I feel cheated not being able to say, "goodbye and I Miss You"!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The End!

Everyone is obsessing about the end of the world in 2012. I find it distressing thousands believe the Mayan calendar is predicting the end! As a Christian, I believe only God knows the exact time Jesus will return. 1Th 5:2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. No matter what prophets predict, the end times will play out as said in the Bible. This is my belief and comfort.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

It has been 2 years since my last blog. I have had many thoughts since then! I just became lazy about sharing them. I plan on using this blog to express my thoughts and feelings about issues I am concerned about.

Keeping in touch with people these days has become easier and less personal with the use of electronics. I miss human contact. I am usually at home all day everyday. My disability is making it harder to go out on my own. I plan on making myself get out of this apartment at least once a week by myself. I rely on my partner to take me to stores and anywhere else I need to go. He really has been my rock! I would be in worse circumstances if it wasn't for David's help. I want to say "thank you" to David with today's blog.