Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Death of the Middle Class!

In recent news, there are economic indicators the middle class is disappearing. These indicators are showing a rise in luxury purchases and a rise in bargain purchases.

The luxury purchases are being made at high end stores for the rich and famous. The bargain purchases at discount stores are being made by the poor and the "used to be" middle class.

Middle class America used to be the driving force in retail sales, purchase of homes and vehicles. This has come to an end. Homes have been lost. Vehicles have been repossessed.

The economy is bleak. The middle class has shrunk enormously and the poor class has increased dramatically. What is a country to do?

It is time the government helps the struggling lower classes and stop catering to the rich. I don't begrudge anyone having success; however, we need the upper class to help the rest of the country to rebound. This is my opinion.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


It amazes me how many people are afraid of change. People my age (50) have seen many changes in our lifetime.

Records --->CD's
TV Consoles --->Flat Screen TV's
Pong --->Wii
Typewriters --->Computers
Adding Machines --->Calculators
3 TV Channels --->100's of Channels
Rotary Dial Phones --->Cell Phones
Books --->Kindle

Change has been apart of the humane race from the beginning! Now, Facebook has changed and everyone is in a panic! Really!

There are so many positives to change! Why are we so afraid of it. I think change scares us because it takes us out of our norm. However, if no changes are made to keep us at our "norm", many conveniences we have come to appreciate would not exist. So, before criticizing change, try it you may like it!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

'night, Mother

I have read the play and have seen the movie a few times. Every time I watch this movie, it touches my heart. This movie looks at the emotional and the stressful results of an impending suicide. There are many facets to this story. You listen to the reasoning Sissy Spacek gives for ending her life. You listen and watch Anne Bancroft's response to this revelation. It is a heart wrenching movie to watch. I recommend this movie. I would give it 5 stars!

This movie shows how suicide devastates the people who love you. Watch this movie and let me know your thoughts.